Today was our first day back from the Christmas break. Our Principal, Peggy Still, led our staff meeting with a motivational discussion of Energy Bus, a book by Jon Gordon. This book takes the reader on a inspirational ride that reveals 10 secrets for approaching life and work with positive energy. As we learned about each of the 10 secrets, she brilliantly inserted stories from the book to relate to our success this semester at our school. As the main character of the book experiences despair, negative thinking, collapsed marriage, unhappy job, he boards a bus with "Joy" the bus driver and is given secrets to turning his life around.
Secret # 1: You are the Driver of your Bus
If you are not the driver of your bus, then you can NOT take the bus where it wants to go.
Take responsibility and control of your life. "It's your bus and you are the driver and you choose where you are going and the kind of ride it's going to be." At school, create the positive atmosphere in your classroom. Set goals and drive your bus.
Secret #2: Desire Vision and Focus to move your bus in the right direction.
If you don't have desire and vision, you will drive in circles. The more we focus on a goal, the more chances that we will accomplish this goal. If you complain, you will have more to complain about. As we set each lesson's goals and objectives, keep in mind the over all goal of success for your students.
Secret #3: Fuel your ride with positive energy.
Positive energy = a positive life. Positive teachers = more positive students.Each day with our morning announcements we end announcements and begin our day with Mrs. Still's personal message: "Have a good day or not, the choice is yours."
Secret #4: Invite people on your bus and share your vision for the road ahead.
The more people that join the positive energy, the more energy you will have. Share your vision and ask others to come along.We can accomplish so much more as we collaborate and share.
Secret #5: Don't waste your energy on those who don't get on your bus.
Maybe they were meant to get on another bus. We discussed this secret as so hard to accomplish as educators as we seek to have each and every student succeed. But how many times have we lost energy for the 21 others who need us when one has "blown our day."? Keep in perspective, don't give up on the student, but also don't let yourself be drained. Each morning will deserve a new positive start.
Secret #6: Post a sign that says: No Energy Vampires allowed on your bus.
Don't include negative people on your bus. Have the courage to kick them off. Your success is so important that you need to surround yourself with positive people. Remember, you can't drive another person's bus.
Secret #7: Enthusiasm attracts more passengers and energizes them during the ride.
Our principal thinks of herself not as a boss, but a coach. In the book they speak of a CEO as a Chief Energy Officer. As teachers, be their coach, and give your students a chance to learn, grow and succeed.
Secret #8: Love your passengers.
As teachers: Make time for your students. Listen with your heart. Recognize them. Honor them for what they do. Bring out the best in them. Help each student discover their strengths.
Secret #9: Drive with a purpose. Your purpose is your ultimate fuel.
Giving purpose to our journey, will inspire us. "Find the excitement in the mundane, the passion in the everyday, and the extraordinary in the ordinary."
It was here she encouraged us to keep good documentation as needed for behavior or other student growth. Document behavior as to help run a smoother classroom and help students learn good behaviors for their lives. Find a document method that works easily for you.
It should be: Easy/Useful by you/Helpful in making a change/Sensitive to growth/Define behaviors.
Secret #10: Have fun and enjoy the ride.
Enjoy every moment. Leave a legacy. "The best legacy you could leave is not some building that is named after you or a piece of jewelry but rather a world that has been impacted and touched by your presence, your joy, and your positive actions."
Our principal's two-hour staff meeting was educational, relevant and motivational for us as we start a new semester of 2012.
Thanks, Mrs. Still.
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